10 Best Manifestation Books You Should Read

I like reading books, I am a firm believer that reading and understating something is important before taking any action. I have read many books about personal development and manifestation, and in this post, I am going to share the 10 best manifestation books you should read.

Can you really manifest your dream life?

Wondering if you can manifest your dream life by using the Law of Attraction? The answer is YES. Even though you may not always be aware of it, you are constantly manifesting your reality.

Do you want to manifest your dream life? These are the 10 best manifestation books to read right now. These books will help you to move further towards your dream life.

10 Best Manifestation Books You Should Read

1: Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

This is the first personal development/manifestation book I ever read. I bought an online course and the trainer recommended it. 

In my humble opinion, this is the best book when it comes to manifestation, law attraction, and success, the title of the book suggests that it is about making more money, however, Napoleon Hill emphasizes that the philosophies that he shares in the book can be applied to all aspects of a person’s life.

If you want clear, detailed instructions on how to live your ideal life this book really is the book for you! “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”~ Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich.

2.The Science of Getting Rich – Wallace D Wattles

If you desire to become rich, you need to read this book. This is the most practical book about manifesting wealth you will read.

The opening sentence in the preface to this book says it all: ‘This book is pragmatical, not philosophical; a practical manual, not a treatise upon theories. It is intended for the men and women whose most pressing need is for money; who wish to get rich first and philosophize afterward.

3. It works

I heard about this book on Youtube, and I decided to read it, it is the shortest book on this list. You can read it in less than an hour.

IT WORKS presents a concise, definite plan for bettering your conditions in life. It shows you how to use the Mighty Power within that is anxious and willing to serve you if you know how to use it.

4. The Secret

If you are reading this post, there is a good chance that you watched the movie ”The Secret”. There’s something about the way Rhonda Byrne presents the information in this book that makes it feel like it’s the truth you’ve been waiting for your entire life. 

If you are new to this manifestation world. I think this is the perfect gateway to learning more about the Law of Attraction and beginning to unlock your manifestation superpowers today.

5. Ask and It Is Given

I like the way Abraham teaches the law of attraction. Abraham gives us 22 different powerful processes to achieve our goals

Ask and It Is Given is all about showing you how you have the power to create the beautiful life of your dreams, and it gives more practical guidance and easily accessible practices that you can use to raise your vibrations.

6. The Game of Life & How to Play It

I first found about this on Youtube as an audiobook, I fell in love with Florence Scovel Shinn’s teaching ever since. If you want to learn about positive affirmation, attitude, and the metaphysics interpretation of the Bible this is the book you need to read.

7. The Power Of The Subconscious Mind

In this classic book, the author explains how to manifest more abundance, better hearth, harmonious relationships, etc. By reading this book your manifestation power will improve a lot.

8.The Power of Intention

Dr. Wayne Dyer explains in this book how to become happy and radically change our lives by connecting ourselves to this pure and unlimited energy that is intention.


9. The Power of Positive Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking is written to suggest some techniques and to give examples that demonstrate that you do not need to defeat by everyday problems, this book says that you can have peace of mind, improved health, and a never-ceasing flow of energy.

10 Feeling Is The Secret

The feeling is the Secret describes how our thoughts and feelings affect who we become and what we achieve. When we have the power to change them, we gain the power to change our circumstances, our health, and our life’s purpose.

Final words

That is it, those are the 10 best manifestation books you should read, how many of them already read before reading this post? which one is your favorite? let me know in the comment section below.

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